Companies are always having specials on their items whether it be Pressure Washers, Hot or Cold or on accessories for Pressure Washers and even discounts on Pressure Washer and/ or accessories.
I always say NEVER pay full price for any item as there is no harm in asking for a better price on something that you want or something that you need.
Advertising that you have specials or discounts on your range of products MAY get some interest from buyers but if you need something, no matter what time of year it is ALWAYS ask for a discount on the item and no doubt you will receive a discount, that is of course if a discount hasn’t already been given.
If you are needing a Pressure Washer and want to acquire a whole bunch of accessories for the equipment for a new or existing business, ask for a packaged discount.
If you are a returning customer and would like to add another machine to your fleet of machines, ask for a return buyers discount.
Companies should always look after their existing, returning and new customers and should always treat people with the same respect with relation to pricing and customer service whether it be a large or small item that the client is acquiring.
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