Choosing the right pressure washer for the job

It is important when choosing a pressure washer that it is the one that will perform to your requirements. Here are some things you should ask.

1. What will the unit be needed for? 2. How many hours will it be used a day? 3. what speed of operation is required from the unit? Does the unit need to change locations continually? How long do you epxect the unit to be in service for before replacement?

When you have completed the above then you can ask the salesman for the information about the pressure cleaners he has. He/She should have a complete write up about the machines on officer and what uses they are best suited to. He should also tell you the duty rating of the machien he is offering. These will break down into the following categories: a) Domestic use only b) Light duty usage – a couple of hours a day. c) Medium duty usage – 3-4 hours a day d) Heavy duty usage – 4 and above hours.

From here you can select the machine that fits into your requirements. You should always ask for a demonstration to see the machine in operation and see that it does what you expect.

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